Planet (Rock Raiders)

From Research Realm
Explorer orbiting the planet

The uncharted planet in the LEGO Rock Raiders theme is the location that most of the theme takes place in. The Rock Raiders must mine for power crystals in the caverns of the planet to refuel their spaceship, the LMS Explorer, so that they can return home. In the games it is depicted as being in a distant galaxy, and the Explorer travels through a wormhole to reach it; other media, however, does not include the wormhole travel. The book Race for Survival gives the planet the name Planet U, which has become its accepted name in fan communities.

Depiction from space

Planet U real???

Much of the visible surface of the planet in the game's FMV sequences uses images of the surface of Mars, though partially obscured by clouds. In the game's intro video, when Jet and Docs are viewing the scanner after Sparks set it to search for power crystals, the scanner zooms in on an area of the planet that appears identical to the eastern Tharsis region of Mars and the western end of the Valles Marineris canyon system, including the Ius and Tithonium chasmata, Noctis Labyrinthus, and Oudemans crater.[1] Valles Marineris can also be seen in the normal outro FMV when the Explorer is moving past the planet on its way home.[2]


This is where the action happens


  1. Artworld UK (1 June 1999). LEGO Rock Raiders intro FMV (FINAL.STR, intro.avi). LEGO Media International.
  2. Artworld UK (9 August 1999). LEGO Rock Raiders outro 1 FMV (OUTRO1.STR), outro1.avi). LEGO Media International.

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