Research Realm:Scans/LEGO World Club Magazine

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It started off in France? as Klick, then had separate German publications in Switzerland and Austria, then a single German publication in Germany Switzerland and Austria as World Club. Other versions were published in other countries in Europe, Asia, and Australia. A Hong Kong version is known from a couple partially-scanned issues, a UK version replaced Bricks n' Pieces in 2000, and an Australian version was published from 1998 to 2002. In 2002 World Club and LEGO Mania merged into LEGO Club Magazine.

Currently one UK issue and a number of German issues are scanned, though many of the German issues are missing numerous pages. Two Hong Kong issues are partially scanned, about half their pages each. All of the Australian issues are scanned, however, aside from being low-res, for some reason those scans blur or remove all of the user submission stuff like custom builds or the names of contest winners.

list coming soon!