Rock Raiders: High Adventure Deep Underground

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Rock Raiders, better known by its subtitle High Adventure Deep Underground, is a short graphic novel written by Alan Grant and published in October 2000.

The comic was storyboarded by Robin Smith and art was made by artists at Lego Media

Plot summary

Three days before arriving home, the L.M.S. Explorer travels into a meteor storm. An impact on the ship's thrusters causes it to lose power and be sucked into a wormhole. The ship emerges out the other end in a different galaxy, safe but low on power. Docs detects that a nearby planet is rich in power crystals; Chief sends him, Jet, Bandit, and Axle on an expedition to explore the planet. The four Rock Raiders and their Hover Scouts teleport into a large cavern in the planet. Axle lands his Hover Scout and gets stuck in a trail of slime left by slimy slugs. A group of slugs start feeding on the Hover Scout's fuel supply until Jet flies her own Hover Scout low enough to scare them away. The Rock Raiders find a tunnel lined with large statues, which they suspect to have been carved by an ancient civilization that may have also dug out the planet's caverns. After Sparks beams down mining equipment, the other Rock Raiders build oxygen purifiers and the Ore Processing Plant, as well as a bridge across a nearby lava river (which Axle nearly falls off of).

The Rock Raiders spend the next two days mining for power crystals and LEGO ore. While mining, Bandit is caught in a rockfall, and Axle is confronted by a rock monster that wants a power crystal he found. A swarm of rock monsters attack the Rock Raiders' base and devour most of their power crystals before they are driven away by Axle in the Loader Dozer. Meanwhile, Bandit is exploring an underground river in his Rapid Rider when he is ambushed by ice monsters. Jet and Axle find and rescue him, but return to find the lava river has dried up. A rock whale blocking the river moves, causing a lava flood. Bandit shoots the cavern roof to block the lava with a cavein, causing it to erupt on the planet's surface. Axle and Bandit are beamed back to the Explorer as a hoard of rock monsters cause a rockfall. I can't write any more of this sorry.

  • Grant, Alan (2000). Rock Raiders: High Adventure Deep Underground. LEGO Systems, Inc. ISBN 1-903276-05-5.