United Galaxies

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The United Galaxies is the collective name of the LEGO universe, in particular seen from the viewpoint of LEGO Space themes. It was first mentioned in [REFERENCE] and was consistently used in LEGO magazines, up until [END DATE].


The United Galaxies appears in these LEGO magazines and media:

- A

- B

- C

The United Galaxies is mentioned in relation to the following themes: - Ice Planet 2002

- Unitron

- Spyrius

- More?

Objects in the United Galaxies

The United Galaxies contains a lot of canon LEGO planets, such as Planet Spyrius, Ice Planet Krysto and more.


The United Galaxies appear to be governed by the child's own imagination. In canon lore, there are generally 3 factions: "bad guys", "civilians" and "peacekeepers".


Classic Space

Classic Space is undoubtedly civilians but are there references to the United Galaxies in relation to them?

Ice Planet 2002


Bad Guys


Blacktron started out as a neutral space faction but was retroactively defined as the "bad guys" (is this true?). Before Blacktron was its own theme, the style of Blacktron could be seen as the "bad guys" in the book series "Jim Spaceborn", where Kazaak was an "evil goon" with the exact same colour scheme and very similar visual style.

Blacktron 2



Space Police I

Space Police 1 is the first faction where there was a defined "good" and "bad" side, with Blacktron being the villains.

Space Police II

Space Police III