Driller Night!

From Research Realm

Driller Night! is the first mission in the Windows version of LEGO Rock Raiders. It is the only mission in the first level and is the only mission unlocked when starting a new game.[1][2]

The mission briefing states that three Rock Raiders have been teleported to a different cavern than intended due to the teleporter on the LMS Explorer being damaged. The player must guide the Rock Raiders north until they find the Tool Store, then collect 5 Energy Crystals.[3]


  1. Main Lego Config File, line 3830–3917. Level01 {} section.
  2. Instruction Manual, p. 13.
  3. Data Design Interactive (last modified 25 September 1999). Objective Text. File path: Rock Raiders\LegoRR1.wad\Languages\ObjectiveText.txt.
Cite error: <ref> tag with name "CFG StartLevel" defined in <references> is not used in prior text.
